Technical Senior High School, Ankara, Turkey
Parans has since year 2013 participated in the EU financed project A2PBEER. Within the scope for the project 14 pieces of the SP3 system and one SP4 system (third and fourth product generation Parans system) have been installed.
The installation leads natural light to the dining room and kitchen. The dining room has only a few windows that are not bringing enough natural light to the room. In the dining room 21 pieces of luminaires are spreading the light from the Parans systems and in the kitchen 12 pieces of luminaires are doing the same. When the sun is not shining the LED lighting in the same luminaire could be used. The luminaire is developed together with Toshiba. Parans has within the scope of the project also cooperated with well-reputed companies as Tecnalia to find solutions for green building.