Investor relations

Updated 2024-06-14

OTC list

Parans’ financial instruments can be traded on beQuoted’s OTC list (from 21 June 2021)
to beQuoted

Due to Spotlight Stock Market decision to delist Parans Solar Lighting AB’s share and warrants from Spotlight Stock Market by 18 June 2021, a section “Questions and Answers” has been compiled at the Swedish version of this IR site to answer the most common questions from the shareholders. Please click below.

IR in Swedish

Annual general meeting 2024-06-24

The shareholders of Parans Solar Lighting AB (publ), reg. no. 556628-0649 (“Company”) are hereby convened to the annual general meeting on Monday, June 24, 2024 at 17:00, at Lokal Nuet, Torget 4 in Kungsängen. Below please find the notice and relevant documents.

Please note, Parans publish all relevant information regarding Investor Relations in Swedish. The English version of the IR site does not hold all information, only a selection. All financial reports are found at the Swedish version of the IR site.

Latest news

Please note that all news are published in Swedish on the Swedish version of this site and only a selection of news are published in English.

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Previous minutes from Annual General Meetings

Previous Annual General Meeting or Extra Ordinary General Meeting

Continued general meeting August 11, 2021

The continued general meeting was held on August 11, 2021. Documents concerning the meeting are found below.
Postal voting link

Annual general meeting June 30, 2021

The annual general meeting was held on June 30, 2021. Documents concerning the meeting is found below.

Extra ordinary general meeting March 23, 2021

A extra ordinary general meeting was held on March 23, 2021. Documents concerning the meeting is found below.


Compilation and Terms & Conditions of Warrants for series TO2, TO3, TO4 and TO5